Falls prevention – home strength and balance program – The Otago Exercise Programme
The Otago exercise programme is designed specifically to prevent falls. It consists of a set of leg muscle strengthening, balance retraining exercises (progressing in difficulty) and a walking plan. The exercises can be done at home and are described in a free, illustrated booklet.
www.huntingdonshire.gov.ukFalls prevention service – H&F, C&W, Westminster, Brent
Our falls prevention service provides assessment, advice and exercise for older people who are at risk of falling. The service aims to prevent falls and unnecessary admission to hospital by seeing a patient before an injurious fall occurs or after a fall to rebuild strength, balance and confidence. People can be referred by any health or social care professional, there is a link to the form on the website.
020 8102 5494
www.clch.nhs.ukFalls prevention service – Ealing
The falls service offers advice and help for people living in Ealing who have lost their independence or confidence after a fall. They offer an eight week falls education and exercise group, one to one therapy, one to one home visit by an Occupational and/or Physiotherapist, and a Medical Consultant review for all falls group clients. They are based at the Ealing Day Treatment Centre.
020 8571 1143
Preventing falls in the home
Trips, slips and falls are among the most common types of accident to occur in the home. For young, mobile and healthy people, injuries from these kinds of accidents are usually minor bumps and bruises. However, as you get older or less mobile, trips and falls can be more dangerous.
People First
Collates practical advice for staying safe at home including leaflets on the effects of anxiety on falls.
www.peoplefirstinfo.org.ukBishop Creighton House
This local third sector organization provide services to help keep homes safe and secure.
www.creightonhouse.orgOpen Age
Steady and Stable falls prevention service.
020 8962 4141
www.openage.org.uk/ hammersmith-and-fulham